ESFS Awards

Every year at Eurocon, where ever it may be, the European Science Fiction Awards are given out. The categories are complicated as is the process of nominations and you can try and figure it out by reading this. In Kiev, the winners were as follows:

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I am traveling to from Melbourne to Adelaide today. (Translation: I will be very busy all day fretting about packing, luggage weight, my issues with airports and such so no blogging.) Had I not won the GUFF race, I would have been traveling on this day anyway – to Kiev.

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Tin Duck Awards 2013

The Tin Duck Awards are the science fiction achievement awards annually awarded in the Australian state of Western Australia. They are tied to the WA convention Swancon, which was the first stop in my GUFF trip.

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Swancon: Generations

Croatian fandom is young. Not meaning we did not have one 20 years ago, because we did. Croatian fans are young: the average age of a Croatian con member is 23. Which tends to come as a bit of a surprise to American and British fans.

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Swancon: How it went – the short version

Swancon was my first ever Australian con and I totally fell in love with it. (Now I just have to figure out how to make enough money to come back every year!)

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