Cyberpunk Rules! Workshop @ Rikon 2019

This year’s Rikon was dedicated to cyberpunk, which I adored in high school. It fits into my love of film noir, and science fiction and police procedurals with a twist as well as into my overall moodiness. I proposed a two-part cyberpunk workshop to Rikon programming sometime in the middle of September, possibly at a […]

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Rikon 2018, Aliette de Bodard and fun, fun, fun

I have no idea how I decided to go to Rikon for the first time. I do not even remember what year it was when I went for the first time. I dimly remember my friend Irena Rašeta and I being put up by a young man in student lodgings. I remember very well the […]

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Izazov krvi wins the Artefakt

The YA novel Izazov krvi (The Challenge of Blood) by Vesna Kurilic won the Artefakt Award, one of the two Croatian science fiction awards. Artefakt has been awarded since 2010 and, in its categories of YA and children’s fiction, it features a special jury, one made up of the young members of reader’s clubs lead […]

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GUFF Aukcija @ Istrakon 2015

Fanovska aukcija tradicija je koju SF fandom prakticira dugi niz godina, a sad je vec više i nije nepoznata ni hrvatskim geekovima! Iznimno zabavan nacin prikupljanja sredstava za fanovski fond koji omogucuje razmjenu ljubitelja SF-a izmedju Europe i Australije donosi priliku da za malene novce nabavite žanrovske knjige, filmove, kostime, potpisane price, kao i stvari […]

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Rikon 2013 – Friday

The con opened at 18:00 and the program started at 19:00, which I missed because we were late starting from Zagreb. Late because of me and all the papers I was very slow in getting into order – SFera gets some funding from the city of Zagreb and of course the first day of Rikon […]

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