I think last year might have been the one where I burnt out but was too busy to notice. I set a goal for Rantalica for 2019 – a minimum of 4 posts a month, one of them accountability.
I managed it in February, April, May, June, July, September, October and November. 8 out of 12 is not bad. Neither is 61 posts in all, because it brings to about 5 a month, which is more than the minimum I set. Too bad I needed 2 months to get it together enough to realize this. I have yet to become good at celebrating myself anyway.
I may have needed a break, from life and I may have just taken one from this blog. It was the decade post things, I think. I learned in 2019 that I can write more than I think, that I love BuJo and that I might possibly need some therapy, to boot. I really hate reviewing how I spent my time, and facing what I wanted to do but did not. It is what made writing this post hard. And 2 months late. It seems, no amount of numbers proving me ok can make me feel better about that one thing I did not manage to get done.
But I will keep trying anyway. So, here goes.
I transferred my kid to a special school and am no longer hurting my brain by doing elementary school all over again. Did not particularly like it the first time around. I made changes and improved and troubleshooted and meditated and learned and ended up feeling the same most days, vastly different on others. Aim for the Moon, catch Venus.
Also, I might have fallen in love, several times over, causing my head to be about everything other than work.
Spring was never good for my mood, either.