Accountability (still) Sucks: May 2019

I used to think I was bad at facing failure, but May was awesome and yet I have been avoiding looking at it. So much so that this – or pretty much any – post in June is 21 days late. I am not sure I even remember May at this point. Other than it was, in many aspects, too much for me even if I did prioritize off time quite a lot.

But I am bloody writing this today, even it the set of bulletin points seems waaay less fun than the previous two or three.

In May I:

  • wrote about 1000 words of fiction
  • wrote some mermaid flash
  • took part in 2 orienteering races (and was not last in both of them! YAAAY!)
  • had a bout of clothes buying online and managed to order 17 items without ordering a single one in the wrong size
  • had a bout of serious anxiety about above, as was wondering what the universe was making up for exactly with that
  • had a whirlwind SFeraKon, with panels and talks
  • bought a pair of grown up, serious shoes
  • had a childhood friend visit and stay for a couple of days, saw people I had not seen in years and just hung out
  • got a workshop gig I will looove doing
  • watched the 4th season of Lucifer and cried for a solid day
  • watched iZombie and fell in love with Rob Thomasā€™ writing all over again
  • re-read more of Charlie Stross Aliette de Boddard, but was in no mood for new fiction
  • re-listened to some of old audiobooks
  • could not bring myself to write reviews
  • had a whole, stressful kid thing
  • spent an average of 5 minutes per day on Instagram (hooray for hiring people!)
  • cleaned a lot, a lot! but mostly the balcony
  • managed to do very little swimming
  • went to the Zoo two times
  • walked in the rain, a lot and loved it, a lot (May was not hot!)
  • did so much homework I want to barf
  • missed Zagreb Coffee Break!
  • went to a work related barbecue and had a lot of fun
  • attended a teambuilding thing that involved running, hugging, charades and a mountain, and had a blast
  • celebrated Dadā€™s 87 birthday
  • finalized everything for this summerā€™s Worldcon & Eurocon trip to Ireland
  • saw PICKACHU DETECTIVE with husband and son
  • wrote and published 6 posts on Rantalica, most fannish stuff, and a lot of it about SFeraKon
  • and on the last day of May discovered a new thing about myself that surprised me

And then June came waaaaay too soon. And will end the same way. Summer is here.



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