Istrakon 2015: Friday

I have no idea how Friday went – for the second time in years I could not go straight after work at the end of the week. But I do know one thing did happen, even though I missed it: TranSFerzala. It’s a fun project cooked up by two Croatian SF societies, the Rijeka based […]

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GUFF Aukcija @ Istrakon 2015

Fanovska aukcija tradicija je koju SF fandom prakticira dugi niz godina, a sad je vec više i nije nepoznata ni hrvatskim geekovima! Iznimno zabavan nacin prikupljanja sredstava za fanovski fond koji omogucuje razmjenu ljubitelja SF-a izmedju Europe i Australije donosi priliku da za malene novce nabavite žanrovske knjige, filmove, kostime, potpisane price, kao i stvari […]

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ŠTRUMF, the Croatian version of SMOF

After a few years in Croatian fandom, when I finally got to know most of the people crazy enough to do esefnal things such as conrunning, writing workshops, publishing and such as a hobby, I realized how awesome all these people were. (And I will present each one of them separately on this blog so […]

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Continental Europe goes for TAFF!

I am forever full of guilt for not writing and speaking of GUFF and fan funds more (natural state for me – nothing is ever enough, as proven by my girth!). From time to time, though, my heart gets huge and I get giddy because I see that I did make a difference. In this […]

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The FFANZ race is on!

The FFANZ administrators, Dan Rabarts (NZ) and Edwina Harvey (AUS) are very pleased to announce that we have a nominee for the 2015 FFANZ trip from Australia to New Zealand. Voting is now open for David McDonald, Australian fan and writer, to attend Reconnaissance, in Rotorua, Easter 2015.

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